08:00am - Str. Redutei 1A, Oradea
Organized By: Hospice Emanuel
Children and teenagers require the proper nutrition to grow, learn, and develop. This implies that your children require foods and […]
08:00am - Str. Redutei 1A, Oradea
Organized By: Hospice Emanuel
Children and teenagers require the proper nutrition to grow, learn, and develop. This implies that your children require foods and […]
Organized By: Hospice Emanuel
To make sure education for poor children we are raising our funds. At present we are seeing millions of children […]
08:00am - Str. Redutei 1A, Oradea
Organized By: Hospice Emanuel
To make sure education for poor children we are raising our funds. At present we are seeing millions of children […]
Fundaţia „Hospice Emanuel” Oradea este o organizaţie caritabilă, neguvernamentală, care are ca activitate principală îngrijirea paliativă a pacienţilor adulţi şi copii diagnosticaţi cu boală incurabilă avansată.